Allods Online : Patch 2.0.04 Details
Gpotato has just announced more details for Patch 2.0.04. The preview post includes new screenshots and zone details. This patch will send players to the darkest reaches of Astral - Twilight Isle, a new zone for level 46+ players.
From Allods Online:
Players will find themselves traveling to the darkest reaches of the Astral – Twilight Isle! Twilight Isle is a new zone for level 46+ players that is plagued by servants of the Demonic Cult. Huge chains hanging from the allod serve as a harness for the most dangerous Astral demons, Octulhus. Their incredible power allows them to move the floating crater through the Astral. There is a reason these demons are on the move and it’s up to you and the rest of the Revelation seekers to crash the cultists’ camp, and put an end to their devious plan!
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