Firefall: New Progression System brought to light
Firefall fans might remember last year's major game update which had brought a series of drastic changes to the gameplay. It was something positive in the end. Today, Firefall's latest developer blog post has revealed another similar game update on the horizon. This time, developers have worked on the tech three in Firefall. As Red 5 Studios thought the tech three was hard to understand, they decided to redesign it and introduce players with a better tech tree system. Read on for the details of upcoming changes to Firefall's progression system.
Firefall's new progression system revealed
Senior Game Designer Cameron Winston at Red 5 Studios posted a new article on Firefall's website and let the cat out of the bag. For the second time. Firefall's fans should remember the update back in 2012 when Red 5 had made loads of changes to Firefall's core gameplay elements. We even had an interview with David Williams at Gamescom about the changes to Firefall.
The new update is going to go live with March 22, 2013 milestone patch. Player progression is what they have worked on the most for this patch. If you remember the changes in 2012, Red 5 had removed the levels in Firefall and introduced the new tech trees for each battleframe.
You may agree or not, the battleframe tech tree was quite hard to understand. At least that's what the majority of Firefall community has agreed upon. In order to enhance the tech tree system, Winston and his team started to work on different ideas.
So what are the changes to Firefall this time?
Firefall's developers are aiming to make Firefall a shooter game with a gameplay that's decided by players only. If things go as planned, Firefall is going to allow players to design their own Firefall experience. For example, if you prefer to run around and just shoot objects at will, you will be able to do that! (This doesn't mean you don't need help.)
Those who care to stay defensive and follow the philosophy of friendly martial arts, they will be able to focus on survivabilty and sacrifice speed and walk around with their massive Gatling gun. And if you care to go all stealth - this is me - you will be able to go that way too.
Battleframes are going to be unlocked differently. Instead of a level system inside the battleframes, players will be able to access frames directly. There will still be classes like Assalt and Recon but each battleframe is going to have a unique progression system.
Battlframe tech tree will be split into three different tracts being Mass, Power and Cores. Cores is what we have as CPU today. So it's going to be replacing the CPU system and each core will determine how many abilities you can have at once. Mass will decide your speed and power will decide your weapon power and the damage dealt. So players will need to be balancing power against weapons.
So how will you unlock these battleframe upgrades? First five unlocks will be earned through experience. So if you have multiple frames at once, you will need a heck of experience to max them all at once. What's the catch here? Well, there is no serious catch here but you will be able to use Red Beans (which is equal to gold in Firefall) to purchase frames but frames will be available to all players.
What does this mean for PvP?
There will be changes to the current PvP system in Firefall too. The battleframes you unlock will be at your service but only as stock versions. So this is going to be leveling the battlefield.
This is going to be super interesting to see how all these changes work out in Firefall, in PvE and PvP and we will surely be taking a look at it next week. Follow us next week for more details with new gameplay videos for Firefall. Devil out. Find more on Firefall -->
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