Neverwinter: Beta Weekend #4 announced
It was really disappointing to see the end of Neverwinter's Closed Beta Weekends. We didn't have the chance to test the Devoted Cleric class during Beta 3. With the disappointment of never having the chance of testing the Devoted Cleric, we didn't know Cryptic would have a suprise for us. For those of you already missing Neverwinter's addictive and action packed gameplay, we have got great news. Neverwinter will have one more Beta Weekend starting April 12. Get ready for more D&D 3.5 action with the introduction of the new professions system as well. Open Beta will follow afterwards.
Neverwinter: Beta Weekend #4 revealed
Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment has just announced some fantastic news for the fans of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons game Neverwinter. Neverwinter had closed its doors to the Beta testers a few weeks ago following the third beta weekend. We were a little too late joining in for Beta Weekend 3, we couldn't take a look at "Devoted Cleric". We still expected Crytpic would at least add another Beta Weekend and, lucky us, it's became true.
Neverwinter Open Beta announced
Before the Open Beta launches at the end of the month (scheduled to begin April 30th), Cyrptic will have one more Closed Beta weekend starting next Friday. (April 12th).
One more Beta Weekend for Neverwinter fans before the Open Beta
Cryptic Studios Executive Producer and COO, Craig Zinkievich first announced the highly anticipated Neverwinter Open beta: "On April 30, we go into Open Beta. That's when the world we've labored for years to build comes to life - that's when every gamer can login and play what we've worked so hard to create. We could not be more excited."
And the fourth Beta Weekend of Neverwinter will be beginning 12:00 p.m. (PDT) on Friday, April 12, Founders Pack owners will get the first opportunity to experience Neverwinter's professions system as well as the Devoted Cleric class for the first time ever. The four new professions are: Leadership, Mailsmithing, Platesmithing and Leatherworking.
Get a Founder's Pack and play before others
You can get yourself a Founder's Pack if you would like to get a head start in game from April 12th.
Also see:
Neverwinter Latest Screenshots before Open Beta
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