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Planetside 2: Battle Island Nexus

in News, PlanetSide 2, Screenshots

nexus battle island - planetside 2If you like shooter games and MMOs, there is no excuse to justify why/how you have not played Planetside 2. It's perhaps the only MMO shooter that deserves the "Massively" title. With thousands of enemies on a single and giant map is what Planetside 2 is able to deliver. Today we want to show you fans of the shooter games, the latest screen-shots of this remarkable example of the genre and give you another reason to play the game. Today's we have trailer and screenshots for the all new Nexus Battle Island: the 48-on-48 competitive map.


Planetside 2 : The Nexus

The Nexus, Battle Island is the latest addition to Planetside 2, SOE's massively online shooter game. The all new 48-a side map gives players to choose from one of the two factions and fight to dominate this new map consisting of air and ground vehicles. In other words, it's all up to you to decide where you will be fighting. We're going to have a lot more information in the coming days as SOE reveals more on The Nexus. 

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The Nexus screen-shots


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