Secret World: Impressive enough?
Yes, and yes! If you are an MMO gamer, you must have heard of Funcom's Secret World, and the chances are high that you even participated in the beta which saw 500k registrations in October and November. The latest video Funcom released, revealed Secret World's visuals in all its glory.
Secret World has been one of the most anticipated MMO games of 2011. The game which had a successful open beta last month has received very positive feedback from the testing players and journalists.
There are three secret societies in game being Illuminati, Templars and the Dragon. The players who joined the beta testing has already started debates on the game's forum. It's quite amazing 500 thousand players have already registered for this game before it is even released.
Funcom was very happy with the interest from MMO gamers.
“We are thrilled to see the amount of interest ‘The Secret World’ is generating among gamers and the press, and exceeding half a million beta registrations six months before release is definitely something we are proud of,” says Funcom CEO Trond Arne Aas. “The gamer interest in ‘The Secret World’ and the community size for the game is even greater than we experienced with ‘Age of Conan’ at the same stage of development. We expect the community size to keep on expanding at an ever faster pace in the coming months as we approach Open Beta and launch.”
The latest video from Funcom is nothing but fantastic. The development team at Funcom has a lot of experience in MMO games and they also have the award winning designer Ragnar Tørnquist.
If you are one of those who played the beta, you should agree with us that the game looks fantastic and the depth of the game even at this stage is very promising. The game looks and plays so well, it quickly made it into our most anticipated games list at
The game is scheduled to be released in April 2012 and we are looking forward to getting our hands on the final version.
Enjoy the latest video for now:
Latest video for Secret World released by Funcom. In this video, Scorched Desert is shown which is a truly a hellish furnace filled with death and darkness. The hidden valley holds only a small piece of the puzzle that is The Secret World, but one that is crucial for the picture as a whole.
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