TSW Issue #1 Unleashed Is Live
The Secret World is much about its missions. Funcom's conspiracy based modern day MMORPG has been one of the most popular MMOs since its launch in July. Now that the game has been live for a month, Funcom released the first update, also known as the first issue "Unleashed" which adds new investigation missions and the new marketplace feature. Read on for the details of the first monthly update for The Secret World.
The Secret World - Monthly Updates Issue #1 "Unleashed" has launched
I don't know if you have been reading TSW related posts here on DevilsMMO.com but we have been trying to point out to the MMORPG's investigation missions. I believe, The Secret World has managed to stand out in the world of MMORPGs with two features. One of them is the game's ambience which is spectacular. The game looks amazing and the virtual world has all the details you could ever imagine to see in this game. From the start of the game at subway station to Kingsmouth and other regions, the level of detail with every part of the world, every missions is perfect.
Secondly, the game's missions system, especially the investigation type missions that fans of the game can't get enough of it, makes The Secret World one of the most unique MMORPGs. When you play the game, it's almost as if you get worried you'd complete all the investigation missions and the game would not feel the same anymore. Fear not! Funcom has a perfect solution to this. At least, they are trying. The developer promises to deliver monthly content updates to the MMO that will try to keep the fans addicted to it. We hope to see new investigation missions and preferably more of the high quality missions with loads of mysteries and puzzles to solve.
The Marketplace has been Unleashed
Today, Funcom released the first monhtly update; Issue #1: Unleashed.
Issue #1 Unleashed adds new missions as well as a new feature; The Marketplace that will allow players to trade items. The Marketplace is available cross-dimensions so players can trade with other players no matter what dimension they are playing on.
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