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Wildstar: Movement is Wild too!

in News, Wildstar

Wildstar's developers continue pushing the right buttons and at the right time tooWildstar movement features. This time, it's about movement in Wildstar. Yes, movement is perhaps the most basic aspect of a game, or an MMO in this case. However, we often find ourselves not so comfortable with the traditional movement system in an MMO. Continue reading to see some of the interesting movement features you will see in Wildstar such as the sprint & double jump routine.


Wildstar: Movement

Before everyone starts saying how unique Wildstar's movement system is, I am going to ruin it for them. They are not unique and Carbine developers are not reinventing the wheel. The movement system in Wildstar is being designed to give players more freedom and movement options. It's more like a well thought combination of movement systems we have seen in decades in many other games. 

From regular movement to advanced moves like run and jump or sprint and double jump, dashing, spring meter and all these you can see in the video below have been seen in one or two games in the past. Thanks to the perfectionist developers at Carbine, we're going to have a fine combination of movement systems. One unique movement is the ability to tear space and move into another dimension. That's something I can't recall from another title. Nevertheless, Carbine seems to know what it's doing with Wildstar and like every Wildstar video, this one is going to make you laugh as it shows more of Wildstar's nicest features. Enjoy!


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