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The Secret World delayed until July 3

in News, Secret World

Noone enjoys news of release date changes. And it's really disturbing if it's a game that you have pre-ordered a long time ago. Today, thousands of gamers will feel this when they read Funcom's latest release regarding The Secret World's release date.




The Secret World will be released on July 3, 2012

Maybe it had to be a secret and we wouldn't have worried about it at all. The Secret World, modern day MMO, the MMO that features the three secret societies we hear of more than ever before, will make it fans upset today.

Funcom just announced that it had to delay the release date of the MMORPG from June 19th to July 3rd. 

The early access will launch June 29th so if you have pre-ordered the game, you still get to the play the game in June. 

While the release date has been pushed back, Funcom announced the details of the upcoming beta weekend tests. The first beta weekend is titled "Hell Raised" and it will be held between June 15th and June 17th. Hell Raides will feature the Illuminati and Dragon and players will be allowed to go to he Savage Coast.

Before the launch in July, the final beta weekend will be held between June 22nd and June 24th which will focus on PvP battles.

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