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Guild Wars 2 Diary

Guild Wars 2 gameplay diary. We play and review new content in Guild Wars 2 every weekend and share our adventure with our readers.
06. October, 2012Tags: Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 Diary Episode #4After being absolutely destroyed in PvP, I decided to spend my time getting destroyed in the PvE game instead. Those of you who read/watched last week will remember that our good friend Quinn was being attacked by Two-blade Pete after they found out that he’d helped us discover their plans to poison the water. We’d hidden our identity with the help of a Mesmer and gone undercover, discovering the specifics of Two-blade Pete’s gang, and then we’d been given a very difficult choice. Either save Quinn or make sure the water didn’t become poisoned. That wasn’t really a choice at all – especially considering Quinn had done almost everything in his power to keep working with Two-Blade Pete after we saved Quinn a few weeks ago. We rushed out to save the city. Read it all in this weekend's Guild Wars 2 review.

29. September, 2012Tags: Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 Diary Episode 3 In last week’s Guild Wars 2 review diary episode #2, I spoke at length about how well the instanced areas were put together. Comparing the single player portions to something on the scale of Fable, I said that ArenaNet had finally found a way of successfully delivering a decent story in an MMO. I still stand by that completely, the instanced areas are fantastic – the first time round. There are still a few issues though, and that’s partly what we’re going to look at today. We’re also going to take a quick jaunt into the Player Vs Player mode, because when your part in the story gets too much for you, it’s fun to go and smash stuff.

22. September, 2012Tags: Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 Reviews Episode 2Quinn is a reminder of your past, an opportunity to see how things could have been had you made different decisions. Your childhood friend, he’s never really seemed to get beyond his roots and still makes a living as part of a less than honest gang let by Two-Blade Pete. As soon as you’ve recovered after your run in with the Earth Elemental from the tutorial, you’ll be sent a message from Quinn who asks you to come and see him. What could he be after? How is it going to get you into trouble? Can you ever escape your past? The first few single player instances in Guild Wars 2 shows just how far the game pushes to be more than “just” an MMO, and in this week’s Guild Wars 2 Review I’m going to walk you through the ups and down of dealing with Two-Blade Pete and Quinn, and through stepping on the right side of the law.

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