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APB beta notes

in APB, News

It seems like Gamersfirst is happy with the popularity of APB Reloaded following the launch of open beta. They have reached 80 thousand likes on Facebook and the number of players reached great numbers that even their VoIP service could not handle any more. You may go to APB Reloaded website now to test the open beta as a new patch is coming tonight.




Patch 88 details:

Threat Level and Matchmaking Updates
Fixed an exploit where a leader could gain large amounts of Threat by kicking their team just before winning the mission.
Fixed a bug where a kicked player could still have their Threat updated as if they had won.
Fixed the Max Threat Player Notification referring to a ‘Threat Level 30’ player instead of ‘Gold Level 10’.
Adjusted Matchmaking formula to better fit the new Threat system.
Added a new ‘Threat Training’ system:
o New characters will see their Threat level as ‘In Training’, with a unique Threat icon for up to the first ten opposed missions.
o This gives the Threat system some time to home in on a characters skill level before displaying it on the UI and to other players.

From APB website:

Open Beta so far has gone extremely well in most areas, and now we are heading in to the "cleanup phase" for several parts of the game, including post beta optimizations, tweaks and preparation for new features and items.

In a very short time we saw a huge number of players in game to the point where we accidentally overloaded our voice over IP systems earlier today (which is part of tonight's maintenance).





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