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Rusty Hearts : Tude and Angela

in News, Rusty Hearts

rusty hearts new characters introduced

Two characters from Rusty Hearts have been introduced. Tude and Angela both come from different places and they have got their own unique skills and special powers. This makes Rusty Hearts a character rich MMO game. Read on for details.



Rusty Hearts

Information flows for the upcoming MMO game from Perfect World. Rusty Hearts will feature several characters that are unique in each way from skills to their fighting styles and special powers.


This time, we take a look at Tude and Angela. Tude is a wanderer who was attacked by a wolf during his journey but he was able to slay the wolf and survive at the dispense of wolf's body stuck in Tude's body as he was bitten. This affected his body and turned his arm into a claw. 

Angela of Rusty Hearts

As interesting is Tude's story, Angela has got her own. A young apprentice with, Angela has been sent to Bramunez to aid the siege on Curtis Castle. She is tough and she has a bad mouth and very powerful. Her magic sword helps her summon fire and she can blast all who stands in her way. Beware Angela!

We will have more information on Rusty Hearts soon. 

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