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Wartune is a brand new free to play MMOPRG developed by 7th Road Games and published by R2Games, the company behind popular MMO Crystal Saga. The MMORPG features the battle between the god of night and heroes. Players will take the role of a knight, mage or archer. The MMORPG has all the generic ideas we know from other games, like daily quests, PvP battles and city building as well as its unique combat system; the QTE. With Wartune’s QTE system, players are not only able to choose their skills, but they can also boost these skills through real-time keyboard commands. This way, each combat becomes a unique experience and it gives you an actual chance to put your skills to test!

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Your rating: None Average: 3.1 (20 votes)
DevilsMMO Score:7
Publisher: R2Games
Genre: Fantasy

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