Guild Wars 2 : Dungeon Designs
ArenaNet's content designer William Fairfeld has posted details on dungeon designs of Guild Wars 2. This time he goes into details of Ascolonian Catacombs. A cinematic trailer has also been revealed.
From individual design to team meetings, William Fairfeld has explained how they design content for Guild Wars 2 and highlighted Ascolonian Catacombs.
Once the paper design is finished, we have a meeting that includes our environmental artists, the design lead, the dungeon team, and several members of QA. In this meeting, the designer responsible for the dungeon will lay out his plan. We discuss the plan and suggest changes we think could help bring the various parts of the dungeon together.
Ascolonian Catacombs details:
The dungeon we are spotlighting this week is the Ascalonian Catacombs. I was involved heavily in creature design and helping craft the explorable version of this dungeon. The enemies in this dungeon are primarily Ascalonian ghosts and a group of creatures known as gravelings. These menacing creatures feed on the essence of the ghosts and are twisted by that power. One of my favorite creatures among these is the graveling breeder; this foul beast will expel another graveling from inside itself onto some poor unfortunate adventurer. The Ascalonian ghosts are a throwback to Guild Wars, and many players will recognize the abilities being used against them: the all-too-familiar sting of a Crippling Shot, the burning singe of a Meteor Shower, or the brilliant shine of a Ray of Judgment.
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