Checkmate Closed Beta begins - Get your beta key here
Checkmate is the upcoming browser based World War II strategy game from Koram Game that gives players the chance to go back in time and prepare for the greatest battle of their lives. The game enters closed beta this weekend and we have closed beta keys for you. Continue to get your key.
Checkmate Closed Beta launches - Claim your beta key
Checkmate is an action packed World War II strategy game that will allow players to battle all over Europe on historical battlefields including "The Siege of Leningrad", "The Battle of Stalingrad" and "The Belorussian Offensive".
Click the button below and get your Closed Beta key to Checkmate. The beta will begin on April 19th.
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best game with superb graphics...
you maybe give me 1 gift code ty i love play checkmate tyvm
nce game
quite fun