Defiance: Character Creation and First Mission
Trion Worlds has launched the third and final Advanced Mission Beta for Defiance, the upcoming Sci-Fi shooter game. Since the first beta weekend, Trion has improved gameplay and visuals, careful eyes will notice immediately. Now that the NDA has been lifted, we will finally be able to share our Defiance gameplay experience with you. There will be a bunch of gameplay videos coming today and tomorrow, and a review will follow early next week. Follow us over the weekend for more on Defiance.
Defiance: Beta Weekend #3 has launched
The day has come to play as an advanced Ark Hunter; the genetically advanced humans with alien and human weaponry. This weekend we are going to be testing Defiance one more time before its release on April 10th. The new Advanced Mission Beta sees the arrival of Mt. Tam and also the Madera regions with co-op battles on Angel Island and the Cronkhite Bunker. Ark Hunters will be able to take on the multiplayer challenges awaiting them at the Freight yard and Observatory. And those who pre-ordered Defiance can test-drive their Dodge Challengers.
In this first gameplay video, we create a new character and customize it. Character customization is not really impressive. Personally I don't like the way the default characters look. Character models are fine and the game looks fantastic but face models are probably one of the ugliest I have seen. Especially the human one. There aren't many options available either, other than minor changes you can apply to your character's head. So I didn't even spend too much time on character creation screen and picked a random one that looks as good, and as bad as the other characters.
Once you finish the opening cinematic, where you witness Karl Von Bach arguing with a soldier and his commanding officer which doesn't really like Von Bach. Von Bach is the man with all the knowledge and the man behind Von Bach industries. You will find out more on him and Von Bach Industries soon. Soon enough we found ourselves near the crash site, looking for the very Von Bach... Enjoy!
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