Focus to Reveal New Wargame at Gamescom
Just like Wargaming, the Russian developer of World of Tanks and World of Warplanes, French developer Eugen Systems revealed its upcoming shooter MMO game Wargame: Airland Battle which is the successor to the previously released online tank shooter Wargame: European Escalations. The upcoming airborne shooter MMO will make its debut at Gamescom next week. Continue reading to see the first trailer.
Wargame: Airland Battle to be showcased at Gamescom next week
I don't want to speculate but it is as if the French developer Eugen Systems follows the path of Wargaming. Following the launch of tank shooter World of Tanks, war games have become popular again. The huge success of World of Tanks has surely inspired some of the other game developers. One of them is French developer Eugen Systems.
Developer by Eugen and published by Focus Home Interactive, Wargame: European Escalation has been one of the fine examples of shooter MMO's. The game featured the conflict between the Warsaw Pact and the NATO forces...
Today, the French publisher announced that it will be showcasing its upcoming game at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany next week.
Wargame: Airland Battle Trailer
The upcoming online shooter game will feature warplanes instead of tanks. Titled "Wargame: Airland Battle" features 150 planes from classic fighters to some of the most powerful bombers and today's modern electronic warfare planes. There are four new nations in game featuring the finest vehicles of each nation. There are 750 vehicles and combat units in Wargame: AirLand Battle.
The solo campaign in game consists of dynamic campaigns that requires both strategic planning and fast decision making. As for the customization in the game, according to the developer's first press release, AirLand Battle will allow customization of armies in solo and multiplayer modes thanks to the unique 'Deck' system. There isn't much information on the Deck system yet.
War MMO's are surely popular and the last time I had the chance to play World of Tanks, there were well over 50 thousand concurrent users in game on the NA server. I have heard that the European server is also seeing huge numbers.
European Escalation with its unique graphics engine had so much potential. I can't comment more on the game as I didn't take a look at it. We will most definitely be getting our hands on both Wargame: EE and Wargame: Airland Battle in the next few months. We should find out more on Wargame: Airland Battle during Gamescom.
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