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Grimlands May Survive After All

in Grimlands, News

Grimlands on kickstarterKickstarter can come to save the day for developers. This doesn't happen all the time but we have seen miracles before. Gamigo had announced Grimlands five years ago but the game's development was canceled by the Publisher a while ago. Following the cancellation, the game's developer Drago Entertainment has decided to launch a Kickstarter Campaign. Let's look at the details as well as five new screen-shots.


Grimlands on Kickstarter

So it's not the end of Grimlands, not just yet. Gamigo, the publisher of the game had announced that it would cancel the development of Grimlands in January and fans of the game were disappointed to see the end of the MMORPG. It looks like there is a little bit of a hope after all.

Grimlands the First Person Shooter MMO with RPG elements has just launched its Kickstarter campaign, looking for funding (quite a large one too) to complete the MMO by the end of the year. Grimlands had caught our attention at Gamescom 2011 and then it was announced to enter its first Closed Beta back in 2012. The decision by Gamigo was a surprise and made us think that the game was in a state it would not see the light again. Today's screen-shots suggest otherwise. See for yourself below and don't forget to visit the Grimlands Kickstarter page here.

Lucjan Mikociak, Head of Development at DRAGO Entertainment said : "“When gamigo announced they would no longer fund the development of Grimlands, we were all shocked, given we had spend more than five years on this game and are finally so close to release".

He also said “There is no way around it: Big games need big money. Since Gamigo stopped funding us in January, we have survived thanks to friends and family support. However, in order to properly finish the game by year’s end, we need further funding of 650.000 USD. After talking to several publishers and investors we feel only Kickstarter allows this without compromising our vision!”


Grimlands on Kickstarter

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