Monster Hunter Online: Yian Kut-Ku Unleashed

Best known for its fire attacks, Yian Kut-Ku is usually the first wyvern boss that players encounter. It's repeated use makes it easy to beat for experienced players, but those joining the fray for the first time with Monster Hunter Online may find the battle more difficult than they expect. It doesn't help that they're fast little devils, and that you'll need to be ready to dodge all four of their moves if you want to bag one.
The easiest way to kill a Yian Kut-Ku in the main game is by using an explosive. Their very sensitive hearing causes them to go dizzy around loud noises, a Monster Hunter Online tip worth remembering when you come across your first Kut-Ku.

The first thing you're likely to see, when you come across this giant chicken-like beast, is a full-on charge. Using their body weight, it'll aim to knock you off your feet. If it misses you, it'll fall to the ground. Less physical is its fireball attack. These are combined in a Wyvern Attack, and you'll need to be pretty quick if you want to avoid a barrage of feather and fire. Finally, the Yian Kut-Ku possesses a nasty peck attack. Usually used to dig or gain access to trees, this one will definitely pack a punch.
Monster Hunter Online was earlier this month announced to be launching internationally, with a beta set for this June. Built in CryEngine3, it'll be the best looking Monster Hunter to date (although these pictures don't really show the full potential there).
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