Wildstar: Durek Sends Dominion Back To Cassus
Ever wanted to learn more about Wildstar MMO? Thanks to the latest Wildstar Wednesday, we get to find out
more of the storyline of the game. This week's article tells the War of Gnox, a planet where the Granok has lived for tens of thousands of years. One day, the Dominion arrives and asks the Granok to join them as servants. The Granok had other plans...
War of Gnox and The Granok
The Granok lived peacefully on the planet of Gnox for thousands of years until the Dominion arrived. Dominion ambassadors asked the Granok to join the empire as they saw great potential in them. When Granok refused this, Dominion ambassadors threatened them. That was their final threat. Soon they were destroyed by the fearless Granok.
In this week's Wildstar Wednesday article, we find out about the Gnox planet, the Granok who lives on it and the War of Gnox which only made the Granok stronger in the end.
The War of Gnox
When the Granok destroyed the ambassadors of Dominion, it only was a matter of days before Dominion army arrived on the planet to destroy every life form. The technology and the power, it all looked like Dominion would win the war soon enough. However, the primite but fearless people of the planet fought back strongly. Durek was the warrior who turned the tide when he made a plan to steal weapon and technology from the invaders. It worked like a charm! Fearless Granok warriors with the technology they stole from Dominion destroyed them all and sent the rest of the army back to their planet Cassus to never come back again.
The biggest surprise, sadly, was the dismissal of Durek and his army after the war. The Granok chieftains rejected to celebrate the victory, on the contrary, they called Durek a betrayer of the Way of Stone and they sent him and his team out of the planet. Today, Durek and his crew are soldiers of fortune, an off-world mercenary. Read all about it over at Wildstar website.
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