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World of Tanks: Retail version with premium content

in News, World of Tanks

World of Tanks

Wargaming has revealed the details of the retail version of its tank MMO game World of Tanks. The retail box version will come with €20 worth premium content which includes a Pz Kpfw 38H 735 premium tank. Continue reading for Exclusive screenshots.



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World of Tanks has been one of the hottest MMO games of 2011. following a huge success especially in European countries takes the next step and releases a retail version in Europe from December 2nd. Today they posted all the details of the retail version, from its price to the bonus content it features. is glad to announce that World of Tanks exclusive box edition is now available at retail chains in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, with sales in UK, Italy, Scandinavia, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and France to start from December 2nd.

World of Tanks retail version from and its partner Deep Silver available for EUR 9.99 comes with EUR 20 worth of bonus content. Apart from in-game gold and several days of premium account, the box edition contains the premium German tank PzKpfw 38H735 (f). The box also features the Newcomer's guide that will help to master the essentials of World of Tanks.

“Putting World of Tanks to store shelves is one of the major milestones throughout our presence in Europe,” said CEO Victor Kislyi. “We'd like to thank our partners Deep Silver for their help in World of Tanks box distribution.”
World of Tanks is the first and only team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy.

A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrade and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant tanks to eliminate opposing armored forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace.
But being a great tank commander alone isn't enough to win! In World of Tanks, it's all about teamwork. Victory is achieved by combining your combat skills with those of the other members of your team, each playing their own role on the battlefield. Just add your favorite strategy to build your own steel empire and manifest the indisputable authority of the tank power!

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