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Defiance is Trion Worlds and SyFy's upcoming shooter MMO. We have gameplay videos, screenshots, latest news and reviews of Defiance.

The World of Defiance

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The World of Defiance is the latest Defiance trailer. Trion Worlds' Sci-Fi shooter MMO has had a rough launch but it's been quite stable since the launch and the fans seem to be loving the game. See how the conflict between the Votans and the Humans led to the destruction of the planet Earth. For more on Defiance visit our Defiance section here

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20. April, 2013Tags: Defiance, Defiance Diary, MMO Blog

Defiance titleDefiance will always have a very special place in the history of shooter games even if it doesn’t become one of the legendary franchises in the future. I claim this mainly because of the game’s synchronized launch with SyFy’s TV Show. That surely makes the game incomparable. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it will help the TV show or the game but it’s a very promising concept that we -gamers- can benefit from. Today we’re starting a new series special for Defiance. The Defiance Diary. In this episode, we will first summarize the storyline and then create our first Irathient character.

Defiance Launch Trailer v2

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The day has come. After five years of development Defiance the game is launching today. The TV show will follow in two weeks but SyFy has already released the 14 minute preview. If you have played the Beta, you probably already know that the game has the potential to become one of the top MMOs even on consoles this year. See our Defiance Beta impressions review here if you want to see more. 

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