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Guild Wars 2 Diary

Guild Wars 2 gameplay diary. We play and review new content in Guild Wars 2 every weekend and share our adventure with our readers.
09. February, 2013Tags: Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 Diary - Black CitadelNow that we’ve come to terms with the changes made in the Flame and Frost: Prelude update, it’s probably time to move on with the story. Remember that achievements aren’t as they were before and that you’ll need to check the new part of the UI (or the achievements section of the Hero page) to find out what you’ll need to do to net that experience, and the new Laurels currency as well. If you haven’t yet finished helping out the refugees as part of the living story, be sure to head (or stay) towards the east and journey towards the Black Citadel. By the time you get there you shouldn’t be a million miles from filling the living story achievement bar.

02. February, 2013Tags: Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 Frost & FlameThis week has seen the drop of the Flame and Frost: Prelude patch, a massive mismatch of features and changes designed to fix, upgrade and add to the world of Guild Wars 2. Although we have a new bit of story to enjoy, I thought for this week’s Guild Wars 2 diary, we’d take a look through some of the new, major features available to players. If you haven’t played since 28th January, you’ll need to perform a pretty big update, so be sure to turn your computer on ahead of your playtime. When the update is done, enter into Tyria and prepare yourself for Flame and Frost…

26. January, 2013Tags: Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

guild wars 2 diary episode 20So after 20 weeks of Guild Wars 2, we finally begin our journey with the Vigil. So far we’ve been acting alone, under the guidance of Logan Thackery and the royals at Divinity’s Reach, but from now on things are going to be slightly more military. Will that make a massive change to the way we play the game? Probably not – but you’ll at least see a pretty distinct change in the way the story progresses. Naturally, if you chose to support a different order, things will be different. We’ll be coming back to the Vigil decision and choosing different options in future diaries, but for now, let’s support the Vigil.

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