Dungeons and Dragons Online : Free Turbine Points [#42]
Dungeons & Dragons Online giveaways continues at DevilsMMO.com in 2013. Dungeons & Dragons Online fans, for the 42nd time you have the chance to win Dungeons & Dragons Online Turbine Point codes for free. Keep an eye on our DevilsMMO mascot on Saturday as he is getting ready to take the trip to another page.
Free Turbine Point Codes for Dungeons and Dragons Online
DevilsMMO.com giveaways continue with Dungeons and Dragons Online. We will be giving away multiple free Turbine point codes on weekends in 2013. All it takes is to find the DevilsMMO mascot we hide on a page every Sunday. Find the mascot and comment on that page for your chance to win 1550 Turbine Points. (Hint: See this week's Guild Wars 2 Diary)
The final giveaway of 2012 - Follow us on Twitter
You can follow us on Twitter or Google+ and watch out for our posts to win 1550 Turbine points codes for Dungeons and Dragons Online.
How to win?: When you follow us** on Twitter or Google+, you will see us asking simple trivia questions about DDO at random times in the next 48 hours. We may also ask you to find our DevilsMMO mascot we hide on the site. That's all you need to do for a chance to win 2500 or 1550 Turbine points.
Your chances?: We have been giving away free Turbine Point codes since March 2012 and at the bottom of the page you can see who has won so far. If you don't win this weekend, you can try again next weekend. While you wait for that, take a look at our
March 4th Winner:
Susan Shambaugh for her answer "06/25/12" to our question "tell us the release date of Menace of the Underdark on #devilsmmo"
March 10th Winner:
Douglas Curtiss
See his tweet here
March 17th Winner:
James Inman
See his tweet here
March 24th Winner:
Hammerbeard Clan
See the tweet here
March 31st Winner:
See the tweet here
April 7th Winner:
See the tweet here
April 8th Winner:
The Original Sinseer
See the tweet here
April 14th Winner:
Jeremy Scales
See the tweet here
April 21st Winner:
For his answer "Faerun" to our question: What is the name of the primary setting in the world of Forgotten Realms?
Norman Riveros
See the tweet here
April 29th Winner:
For his answer "September 9, 2009" to our question: When did DDO go free-to-play?
Michael Allen
See the tweet here
May 5th Winner:
For his answer "Spinner" to our question: Which word has been changed at http://bit.ly/DDOup13 ??
Tavira (2nd time he wins! He's got the luck, what can you say?)
See the tweet here
May 12th Winner:
For his answer "Green dragon changed to limedragon" to our question: We changed the name of one of the monsters at this link.
Jacob Wilbourne
See the tweet here
May 19th Winner:
For his answer "Fernando Paiz was changed to Fernando Ribeiro" to our question: DDO fans, we changed a word on this page. Find it, tweet at #devilsmmo Hint: The answer is on the same page. here->
Serge Gaasterland
See the tweet here
May 26th Winner:
For his answer "Godfather: Five Families" to our question
See the tweet here
June 2nd Winner:
For her answer "The one before last screenshot with the shrines is from Lords of Dust update, not from Demonwe" to our question
Mari McMillan
See the tweet here
June 9th Winner:
For his answer "Thirst of Night review" to our question
Aaron Severance
See the tweet here
June 16th Winner:
For his answer "Part of the code hidden is '999" to our question
Mari McMillan
See the tweet here
June 23rd Winner:
Culver Civello
See the tweet here
June 30th Winner:
See the tweet here
July 8th Winner:
Freddie Overby Jr.
See the tweet here
July 15th Winner:
Douglas Curtiss
See the tweet here
July 23rd Winner: Susan Shambaugh
See the tweet here
July 28th Winner: Grimorde
See the tweet here
August 5th Winner: Stephani Parker
For finding Lolth on this page->
August 12th Winner: Juan Camilo Hincapié
For naming the three spells here->
August 26th Winners: Kimimila, Damien Ferguson
For finding Dungeons & Dragons Online Underdark logo on two pages. We will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter.
September 9th Winners: Tavira, -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot in grayscale on a blog article page. We will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter.
September 30th Winner: besoozgoker , -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot in grayscale on the War of Legends review page. We will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter.
October 7th Winner: Michael Allen , -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot on the Guild Wars 2 Diary page. Congratulations Michael, we will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter.
October 21st Winner: RottenBlades , -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot on the Universal Monsters review page. Congratulations rottenblades, we will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter.
October 28st Winner: Zachary Yenners , -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot on the LotRO changing Gaming Community article. Congratulations Zachary, we will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter once you respond to us on Twitter or e-mail us.
November 4th Winner: Maxikot , -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot on the LotRO changing Gaming Community article. Congratulations Maxikot, we will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter once you respond to us on Twitter or e-mail us.
November 11th Winner: Mari McMillan , -
For finding DevilsMMO.com mascot on the this article. Congratulations Mari, we will send your free 1550 Turbine Point codes on Twitter once you respond to us on Twitter or via e-mail.
Check it out on our Twitter page for more details.
** Note: As mentioned above, you need to be FOLLOWING us on Twitter or Google+ to have a chance to win. New rule as of September 20, 2012: You also need to have at least 10 followers on Twitter or 10 people in your circles on Google+.
How to redeem the code
If you win the giveaway, we send you a code via Twitter. To redeem your Turbine points, follow the instructions below
Dungeons & Dragons Online™ 1550 Turbine Point Code - To apply your Turbine Point code: Log into the game and open the DDO Store, hit the "Add Points" button, and then locate and click on the "Redeem Points Card" button. Next select "DDO Game Card", enter your point code in the box, and click "Redeem Now". Your points will then be applied and you can immediately make purchases in the DDO Store.
Use the Subscribe button and we will send you updates on this game. (You need to be logged in)
Hey, I'm Jeremy Scales. It says i won some turbine points, i am here to collect! lol
Hi Jeremy,
We will send it to you on Twitter.
ok u put down if u retweet this u have a chance to win 1550 and i am the only one who re tweeted it so far when will i c who wins that?
There were actually 10 people who retweeted. We will have a draw today and announce the winner here.
i feel so bad for the one person who said the underdark.
ok so when r u gonna post the winner of the drawing
if you read it above, it's already announced :)
hi this is michael. how will i know when you send it?
Hi Michael,
We will send you a direct message on Twitter. Let us know at hashtag #devilsmmo when you have the code.
Excited to have won the points, will really help my guild out. Umm one question though. When do you send out the codes?
Oh BTW your awesome!
Hi there!
We'll send your code via Twitter today. (as a direct message)
thanks for your nice words.