Ecol Tactics Online Enters Open Beta
GamesCampus is ready to launch the Open Beta of its new browser based tactical MMORPG "Ecol Tactics Online." We had an early look at the game back in January and enjoyed playing it even at an early stage. The game features a very tactical minded combat system as well as classic RPG elements. Despite its minor issues, Ecol Tactics is a very promising tactical MMO and we are looking to see its latest version during Open Beta. Read on for the new Open Beta Trailer.
Ecol Tactics Online Enters Open Beta
"There’s going to be plenty to see and do in the world of Ecol Tactics, and any game that takes a more tactical approach to combat deserves to be rewarded. Expect an entertaining, original jaunt through a brand new world in a game that will no doubt keep you going for hours on end. Ecol Tactics is everything the genre should be, and with some tender loving care on the part of the developers, will be the tactical MMORPG to beat." -- from our Ecol Tactics Online preview
Please see our Ecol Tactics Online preview for more on this browser based tactical MMORPG. As the game is about to enter Open Beta, Gamescampus has released this new trailer titled "Combos and Positioning".
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