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Elsword: Download faster, play more

in Elsword, News

It's often we run into games that requires large sizes of downloads. Today, Elsword publisher Kill3rcombo announced new dungeons and the new streaming system allowing new players get in the game quicker than ever before. There is also a new dungeon with 35 boss monsters offering a tough test.




If you have ever wanted to play Elsword but didn't want to mess with client download, reconsider your decison. From today, new players will get into Elsword faster than ever before with the new streaming system that allows players get into action while the download continues in the background. This is a decent technique used today by game developers.

It's not the only news for Elsword. There is also new content in the form of Henir’s time and space dungeon. Henir is an amalgamation of all boss monsters from 35 dungeon stages. (This sounds like a tough test isn't it.) In order to access  this new dungeon, players will need Henir's key or the hidden key.

Once players clear challenge mode, they will be placed on Henir’s Time and Space Ranking list and can bask in the glory of a new title. This exclusive dungeon consists of all five regions in Elsword – Ruben, Elder, Bethma, Feita and Altera – and should be played in sequence so as to complete the series and receive Monster Cards that can be exchanged for better equipment.

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