Age of Wushu: First look at Self Recollection
Did you really think Age of Wushu, the martial arts MMORPG was all about swordsmanship and fighting? It's not like that all. If you join one of the martial arts schools in Age of Wushu, you'll find out soon enough that there is much more than just fighting in this fascinating MMORPG. Today we're going to show you a little bit of Self Recollection session from the game, which is some type of a self-meditation to cultivate your character.
Age of Wushu Cultivation - Self Recollection session
Cultivation is key to many things in Age of Wushu. You can cultivate offline or online but no matter how you do it, it's critical to improving on your abilities and skills. Last weekend I have been playing Age of Wushu a lot and I have come to a point that I finally learned how to do Self Recollection, a solo or group based meditation in Age of Wushu that will earn you cultivation points.
So what is "Self Recollection"? I wasn't any different when I found out. It's a self meditation that you do on your own or as a team with other players. All you have to do is to follow the arrows on screen and press the correct keys at right times. If you can do it quickly and accurately, you will see your character self meditate with some beautiful martial arts moves. It's like a mini-game you can find in Age of Wushu. It's quite repetitive and I'm sure it would start to be boring after a while but for the time being I can say that it's really fun! Watch the video below and see us collecting cultivation points through self recollection. Age of Wushu will launch April 10th and you can test the game for free now. Click the link above to play. Find more on Age of Wushu here.
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