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20. April, 2013Tags: Defiance, Defiance Diary, MMO Blog

Defiance titleDefiance will always have a very special place in the history of shooter games even if it doesn’t become one of the legendary franchises in the future. I claim this mainly because of the game’s synchronized launch with SyFy’s TV Show. That surely makes the game incomparable. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it will help the TV show or the game but it’s a very promising concept that we -gamers- can benefit from. Today we’re starting a new series special for Defiance. The Defiance Diary. In this episode, we will first summarize the storyline and then create our first Irathient character.

13. April, 2013Tags: Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure BoxSo after the rather frustrating realizing that there are parts of Guild Wars 2 that I’ll never be able to explore without pairing up with unreliable strangers, I thought it was probably best to take a bit of a break this week. Thankfully, that break couldn’t have come at a better time, as it lines up perfectly with the rather clever Super Adventure Box. If you haven’t heard about the Super Adventure Box, I urge you to quickly go and watch the accompanying video. It’s about the oddest addition to an MMO I’ve come across, but that doesn’t at all mean it’s bad.

07. April, 2013Tags: Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2 Diary, MMO Blog

Guild Wars 2 The RazingFlame and Frost: The Razing, the latest update for Guild Wars 2, was much more difficult to review than I’d expected. While the other Living Stories have been a little empty on new gameplay features, The Razing is far more time consuming, in a good way. The first Flame and Frost update had you tediously helping refugees, while the second simply added a few rather dulls events that people sussed out and spammed until they had the achievements. Future episodes of the Living Story weren’t going to work like this, so ANet tried to make this latest update more natural, tried to make it feel like things were happening. Unfortunately, it’s all smoke and mirrors.

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