DevilsMMO Weekly Roundup #2
It isn't easy to keep up with MMO world. If you have missed the action from last week, here is the DevilsMMO Weekly Roundup issue #2, covering main stories, videos and MMO reviews from last week. Read on for a quick tour.
MMO World Weekly Roundup #2 - June 2012
Elder Scrolls Online fans questioned the use of Hero Engine
Wemade games announced the new iOS MMO game "The Project"
Stronghold Kingdoms became the 2nd most popular f2p game on Steam
Guild Wars 2 second beta weekend evet has been announced
Guild Wars 2 entering 2nd beta weekend
ChangYou dated the CBT launch of its MMOFPS game Renaissance Heroes
Wargaming introduced the new British Tanks in World of Tanks
Bigpoint and Square Enix announced the Gameglobe which allows players to create their own games
Allods Online's new expansion Astral Storm launched
Turbine released new set of screenshots for the Demonweb region in Menace of the Underdark
Elder Scrolls Online's game director Matt Firor spoke about public dungeons in ESO
Demonweb region from Menace of the Underdark expansion of DDO
Crystal Saga's level 100 expansion went live
World of Warplanes entered its closed beta
Eudemons Online 6th year anniversary celebrations began
Red5 announced the new Firefall Manga episodes
Frogster revealed the high level instances in Runes of Magic's Chapter V
Eve Online announced the details of the upcoming Alliance Tournament X late June
Read the 2nd part of our TERA Diary: Exploring the Exiled Realm
Is it a good idea to develop an Assassin's Creed MMO
TERA Exploring the Exiled Realm Part 2
War of the Immortals reviewed at DevilsMMO last week
War of the Immortals MMO review
Spotlight video for League of Legends champion Darius
Allods Online Astral Storm trailer
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