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The War Z

  in News, The War Z

The War Z was pretty unsuccessful critically, but it got a lot of sales. That was until Steam removed it from their service and stopped people spending their hard-earned cash on something that was in no way as described. Then the people behind the film World War Z decided that perhaps the names were a little too similar and demanded that The War Z became something else.

Today that new name has been announced, and it's not nearly as easy to slip off the tongue as the original name. If nothing else, Infestation: Survivor Stories will give the developers a new chance to trick people into buying the same game all over again.

  in News, The War Z
the war z back on steam

For the second time in only three months, The War Z the controversial survival horror MMO is back on Steam. The War Z was removed from Steam network shortly after its initial launch back in December 2012 and it was a subject of several scandals including a patent removal. Now that the game is re-released on Steam, we believe the developer Hammerpoint Interactive has fixed the problems with the game. Read on for details.

MMO Games in 2013We’ve taken a long look back at the year behind us and seen the massive amount that 2012 offered to the MMO world, both good and bad. Now I think we need to look forward, at 2013, and at the game and events that will keep us going through the next 12 months. Like 2012, you should expect a few sleeper hits to come out of nowhere, but with The Elder Scrolls Online on the horizon, there’s every chance that the entire MMO ecosystem is going to implode. Why? Let’s take a look.

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