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World of Warcraft

  in Firefall, News, World of Warcraft
Firefall developer, Mark Kern

Mark Kern is the head of the team that's building Firefall, but long before that he worked at Blizzard and helped develop the World of Warcraft. In a guest post at, he spoke at length about whether or not MMOs had become too easy, blaming a casualness that's designed to bring users in rather than entertain the core crowd.

And who does he blame for this turnaround in the MMO genre? Why, World of Warcraft, of course.

  in News, World of Warcraft

Blizzard have today issued a warning to everybody playing World of Warcraft. It seems that there have been an unusual amount of log-in attempts on the website and via the mobile app, and if you don't have a authenticator and if your account has shown unusual activity, you may well be hearing from the security team.

If you haven't heard anything from Blizzard, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Mists of Pandaria: The Thunder King trailer

Tag: Mists of Pandaria, Video, World of Warcraft
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Well, well, well, isn't it World of Warcraft : Mists of Pandaria's brand new trailer for Patch 5.2. Dead sure it is. Check out this incredible The Thunder King trailer for Mists of Pandaria's highly anticipated patch 5.2. Gather heroes, sound the drums, The Thunder King comes, The Thunder King comes! Patch 5.2 is going to introduce a giant raid dungeon; The Thunder King's stronghold "Throne of Thunder", new world bosses: Oondasta, Nalak, The Storm Lord, and loads of new content. 

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